Mike Slinn / Personal Site

Expression Pedal Channel

This is a half-baked solution.

I have 2 keyboards and a bunch for different channels for my patches. I want to control volume for everything without having to change the FCB to another preset. I really didn't want to spend any more money on a MIDI Solutions Event Processor.

Two possible solutions:

  1. FCBooster can substitute for the event processor
  2. Download and install MIDI-OX
    1. Next configure your port routing and MIDI devices. Open up MIDI-OX, go to Options-->MIDI Devices. Select the FCB1010's MIDI connection as the input and then highlight all of the MIDI outputs that you want to send the signal to.
    2. Next you need to open up Data Mapping (Options-->Data Mapping). There is a check box on the upper right hand side that says Turn Map On (after OK)...make sure that is checked!
    3. Next step is to start making your data map. Click insert and a dialog box will pop up. From left to right is pretty self explanatory, but you'll have channel 1 as your input, event type should be Ctrl and the Min and Max Ctrl# should be 7 in your case. Leave the amounts at -1 (means any data). Check Pass original value on (Clone). The next row is the output data; select Channel 2 and Event Type as Match Input. Hit OK.
    4. Now you have your first data map done. Next step is to copy it by right clicking on it and than paste that sucker 14 times!
    5. You'll have to go in and edit each one manually for the output channel, but it should be pretty easy after that.
    6. You will have to have MIDI-OX running everytime you want to use this so it isn't perfect nor does it work in a standalone system, but if you're using the PC anyway it's a breeze.
    7. And you may have some issues with getting the ports set up right. I always screw it up the first time for some reason. There is a plus mark to see just what is getting sent to where, make sure that you don't have any feedback loops and that it's coming from and going to the right ports.